Wednesday, November 19, 2008

The Alternative to Reality

"Books are for people who wish they were somewhere else."
-Mark Twain (American Humorist, Writer and Lecturer. 1835-1910)

"My test of a good novel is dreading to begin the last chapter."
-Thomas Helm
We've all been there: pounding out those last chapters of a book and you are completely wrapped up in the characters, setting, and your flaring emotions. Whether it be best-sellers such as Twilight or Harry Potter (both personal favorites) or the good old, beat up edition of your favorite classic that gets you every time, ending a book is always a relief as well as a loss. Books are escapes from everyday life. They are chances to jump into an alternate reality. I mean, every once and a while, who doesn't want to just be someone else for a day? Leave your real worries behind and find yourself mixed up in a love story or adventure for a bit.

What is your favorite book to turn to when you want to escape reality?

books and tea Pictures, Images and Photos


Anonymous said...

I love the Mark Twain quote! I especially enjoy Jane Eyre, and anything by Mitch Albom. He wrote "The Five People You Meet In Heaven," "Tuesdays with Morrie", and "For one more day". They're all relatively short and really excellent! I love escaping into a good book. :-)

Lindsay said...

I love this post.. I love to read. I seriously get so into books and read for hours and hours. I love to read Sarah Dessen books. I have some that I could read over and over again.

Nicole said...

I really like to read "The Awakening" by Kate Chopin. It is so realistic to me. Much of it is depressing, but it shows the way that a woman's mind explores. It really makes people think about the hardships of a woman.

Ashley said...

I highly suggest the book/movie Into the Wild. The book is more of a biography than anything, but the movie just rocks. If you are anything like me, you will bawl your eyes out.

It is also where I got my tattoo "happiness is only real when shared" from =)

Unknown said...

Good to see another Into The Wild fan here. That is one of my favorite movies too. Haven't read a good book for a while now although I love 'escaping' into a good book like someone above said.

But if I had to reccommend a book right now, it'd be 'Never let me go' by kazuo ishiguro. He is a magical magical writer and has a distinct style in his writing in that all his books are retrospective. The narrator relates to events in the past and tries to make sense of the present. His best known work is 'The Remains of The Day' but NLMG is my favorite for many reasons. It is about human clones in the future who are manufactured for the sole purpose of donating their organs to disabled human beings. The narrator is one of such clones and the way the book unfolds is simply breathtaking. The scary thing is this is actually a posibility. I think the book won the booker prize a couple of years ago. In any case, its a wonderful book and i think everyone should read it.

Beata said...

"My test of a good novel is dreading to begin the last chapter." This is exactly how I feel...I want to find out the ending and then I wish it would go on...