Thursday, November 13, 2008

Writing for Individuality

"Writing is a form of personal freedom. It frees us from the mass identity we see in the making all around us. In the end, writers will write not to be outlaw heroes of some underculture but mainly to save themselves, to survive as individuals."
-Don Delillo (American novelist of New York City)

Being our first twelve blogs are an assignment for a writing class, I figured the first quote I will reflect on should be about writing. Not everyone considers themselves writers, whether it be because it just doesn't come easily or because you think your products just aren't considered good enough in your eyes, but I think everyone has a little writer in them. It is a desire to express yourself through unique written word. It can be your own little secret or a proclamation that you wish all the world could read. It is a supreme form of self-expression. In a society as modernized as ours it is easy for us to become one of the many, to get lost in the crowd, to follow standards set by the general population, but writing is a way in which we can rise above the rest and show them who we really are. We can dig deep into our souls and let our feelings and thoughts be painted across the paper.

Personally, I strive for individuality through writing, through speaking my opinion and not letting others break down my likes. I try to do what I like in every aspect of life and try to not let the outside opinions of others affect the happiness I want and deserve.

In what ways do you express your individuality?


Anonymous said...

I like this post a lot. I like to express my individuality through writing, because good writers make people think, and that's a good thing. :-)

Lauren said...

Very inspiring post! I express my individuality through pictures. I absolutely love taking pictures. Writing isn't really my thing but they way you explained it was awesome =)

Samantha said...

Wow great blog! It definitely is "inspired word" lol. =) It is kind of hard to express myself, since I'm not exactly an outgoing person, but when I do, I express myself through music. I love singing and I try to express emotion through the lyrics.

Unknown said...

I had to reply to this because there's a DON DELILO quote here. That guy is quite something. I still remember reading White Noise for the first time.

And what a nice post this is. There are a lot of ways in which one expresses his or her individuality like painting or making music, but i think writing is probably the most effective because its basically speaking out what you want. What could be more convenient?

Namech said...

I used to write short stories that reflected my mood when I wrote them. And yes, I think writing can express one's individuality.
Every writer has his or her own style of writing. I think that this style coupled with words is what best expresses the writer's individuality.

Beata said...

The Inspired Word...I love the title of your blog... I find that I better express myself if I am able to write it down...although I don't consider myself a great writer... However, there are so many writers that are exceptional, especially ones that use a rich vocabulary, but even more so, writers who use words to pretty up the image created in our minds by their words. For example, in one of my classes long ago I learned of what a great writer Linoln was and I will always remember the words from his first inaugural address "The mystic chords of memory, stretching from every battle-field, and patriot grave, to every living heart and hearth-stone, all over this broad land, will yet swell the chorus of the Union, when again touched, as surely they will be, by the better angels of our nature."
BY THE BETTER ANGELS OF OUR NATURE, isn't this beautiful?